Have you tried this delicious Kraft product?
As of last week I could actually count the number of times I'd been to a Walmart on 1 hand... Thanks to Craig-ployment, I've graduated to my 2nd.
Walmart is one of the most hated icons of the political left. I get it. I saw the movie, I shop local even if it costs more, I crack the F#@$ up at peopleofwalmart.com and I genuinely like buying my snow tires in a different place than I buy my blueberries. But I gotta say... I had a really good time.
I took this craig-ployment gig with some hesitation. As my dear friend Jto so eloquently put it, "You have a Master's Degree! What are you doing?!" Believe me, I've thought the same thing.
So what did I do at Walmart anyway?
Free Sample Lady!
That's right, I was Santa Claus in an orange apron. Shown the ropes by my lovely new friend Linda, I spent Saturday and Sunday afternoons sampling delightful products such as all free and clear laundry detergent, Fizzy Kool-Aid, Kraft 100 calorie cheese packs, Pretzel flavored Ritz Munchables, and the new Oreo Fudge Cream Cookies. (links to nutritional information)
I'd love to tell you I left Walmart on Sunday feeling like I had just worked a shift on the Deathstar. But more than feelings of sadness and memories of carts over flowing with junk food and mindless consumption (although I did see that) I saw a lot of loving parents, 2-5 children in tow, doing their best to stretch their family's budget and afford the 'American Dream'. Walmart lets them do that.
Am I a converted consumer? Hell-to-the-No! But I sure had a good time. Thank you Walmart Shoppers for your lust for free samples, it was nice to meet you all. And thank you Linda for your boundless energy for your job and for wrapping up our cart early so we could both catch that episode of This American Life on our way home.
A classic 'Ohhh Yeaaa' Kool-Aid ad for your viewing pleasure.
A People of Walmart Rap and video
Haa turns out, this is EXACTLY what I'm doing only Angus Hot Dogs instead of laundry detergent...
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty excited about the rad apron.