Compensation: $80
Throw out that under wire, toss that sports bra and burn your best push-up. Make way for the Golf Bra! A Japanese lingerie company has 'freshly-cut' a putting green colored boustier that turns sexy time into putt-putt time.
Wait, let me get some puns 'off my chest.' Talk about 'going green'. When your boyfriend sees you, he will become putt-y in your hands. This piece is a hole-in-one. This bizarre job request is par for the course on craigslist.
O.k, I'm done. You can stop groaning now.
(Post yours in the comment section.)

A Portage, WI native saw this little number on the local news and has been fixated on it as a birthday gift for her fiance for several months. She had posted 4 craigslist ads looking for someone to take a swing at it when I sent her an email.
Looking forward to the challenge! When I'm done, my client will be able to do a strip tease Tiger Woods would really appreciate.
(This gig is still in progress. Pictures will be posted when the product is finished.)
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